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Holiday Island BUSINESSES


Demographics of Holiday Island, AR

Population -

Census Reporter -

Land Area (mi²)

10.8 sq mi

Density (mi²)

219.0/sq mi

Growth Since 2020

last official US Census in 2020 recorded the population at 2,46


The average household income in Holiday Island is $60,540 with a poverty rate of 4.71%. The median age in Holiday Island is 63.4 years, 63.8 years for males, and 63.1 years for females.

2.53 Average Family Size

1.95 Average Household Size

78.9% Rate of Home Ownership


The 5 largest ethnic groups in Holiday Island, AR are White (Non-Hispanic) (91.8%), White (Hispanic) (6.2%), Other (Hispanic) (1.67%), Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (0.31%), and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (0%).


Education Attained
Count Percentage
Less Than 9th Grade 35 1.82%
9th to 12th Grade 74 3.85%
High School Graduate 491 25.52%
Some College 575 29.89%
Associates Degree 202 10.5%
Bachelors Degree 448 23.28%
Graduate Degree 99 5.15%


98.1% of Holiday Island residents speak only English, while 1.9% speak other languages. The non-English language spoken by the largest group is Spanish, which is spoken by 1.9% of the population.

Poverty Rate

The race most likely to be in poverty in Holiday Island is White, with 5.02% below the poverty level.

The poverty rate among those that worked part-time, it was 6.63%, and for those that did not work, the poverty rate was 6.76%.

4.71% Overall Poverty Rate

3.49% Male Poverty Rate

6.2% Female Poverty Rate

Income by Household Type

Name Median Mean
Families $71,806 $81,941
Married Families $83,947 $-999,999,999
Non Families $26,141 $30,122

Marriage Rates

58.9% Overall Marriage Rate

54.9% Male Marriage Rate

63.6% Female Marriage Rate


305 Number of Veterans

285 Male Veterans

20 Female Veterans

War Veterans
Vietnam 183
First Gulf War 49
Second Gulf War 42
Korea 32


Age Group Veterans
65 to 74 111
55 to 64 49
35 to 54 29
18 to 34 0

Place of Birth

6.12% Born in Holiday Island

99.36% Native Born

0.64% Foreign Born

0.38% Non Citizen

0.25% Naturalized

99.36% of Holiday Island residents were born in the United States, with 16.12% having been born in Arkansas. 0.38% of residents are not US citizens. Of those not born in the United States, the largest percentage are from Europe.

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